Sports Services
Content Creation
Data underpins the IMG ARENA business and our world-class data collection methods help to unlock the full power of sport.
Our Sports Services teams specialise in collecting the fastest, most reliable and accurate data feeds in the industry. The content created from our data collection powers the other three IMG ARENA pillars:
- Sports Betting
- Sports Media
- Sports Performance

The Sports Data Eco-System

FastPath Data
Low latency and base game data.
Our configurable scoring applications are designed to collect the fastest, most accurate and reliable data.
This data can be used to service the sports betting and media industries and our market-leading software captures a rich set of data points to maximise the action on field.

Event Data
Descriptions of every action on the ball.
Combining the features of the Fastpath and Tracking Data with simplified manual collection, produces Event Data. This data is faster, more accurate and more detailed than Fastpath data alone creating a new set of engagement points for fans:
- New betting markets
- Deeper insights and metrics
- Improved visualisations

Tracking Data
The position of every player and the ball on the field.
Player and ball tracking is the next frontier of fan engagement and will converge with our existing Fastpath Data feeds to create a host of benefits and new engagement points across:
- Broadcast
- Player and Coaches
- Sportsbooks

Performance Data
Value every players contribution in every moment.
Our Performance Data feeds provide an important support tool for both players and their coaches. Courtside data allows for real-time analysis of play and performance. This also creates greater insight and metrics for both the sports betting and media industries.

Static Data
Fixtures, teams, players.
All the pre-match information needed for fans to begin speculating about how the event will turn out. Via our Competition Engines and Sport Services teams we update the world of sport at the earliest point to start informing bets, aiding media teams and helping competitions to run efficiently.

Our expert teams deliver fans a front-row-seat to the action.
Best-in-class production feeds capture every moment fuelling the excitement unique to world-class sport by offering custom solutions, tailored to every competition. Servicing both the betting and media industries our streams can be delivered at different latencies.